July 2020

12 Bells Blowing in the Wind


How did we play on Friday afternoon?

Did we play all the notes in the right place or too soon?

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind,

The answer is blowing in the wind!


Did we ever get to the end of a piece?

We pegged the music, struggled with our stands

We turned, clasped tightly and used both our hands,

Did we succeed?

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind

The answer is blowing in the wind!


The gazebo danced and swayed………..

We battled on, our team of six

We laughed, we played, we did our best,

We didn’t even sit down to rest!

How did we manage to stay upright?

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind

The answer is blowing in the wind!


When we valiantly managed to play our last piece...

Only in Alton!

Only in Alton …

Wind gusted, sky darkened, gazebo shook …. 

and we played on.

Music stands shifted, Sue’s stand nearly toppled ….

but we played on.

Pages blew open, rain threatened to fall …. 

and still we played on.

Sun shone fitfully, pages blew wildly, we held down our music …. 

and so we played on.

Socially distanced, wearing our gloves, undeterred by the weather, 

we kept playing on.


Smiles all round, having date loaf and tea.

Bells in the garden beat Zooming for me!


Sue Fraser 10.7.20      Photo by Alan Walters