March 2023

The Old Rectory, Bramshall .March 27th 2023

In Stramshall village at the Old Rectory today

A group, seven people , twelve bells they did play.

At two-thirty prompt, with the stage all set up

and the audience gathered, no time for warm-up


With Wendy their leader and five ladies, plus one man

Without much ado their entertainment began.

'Aura Lea' was the opening number played,

It must have been liked. cause the audience stayed.


'The Mango Walk' went down a real treat

Around the room there were several tapping feet.

World War medley was greeted with singing

So nice to hear by the group that were ringing.


More tunes were played from 'Folk' to 'Classical'

From music in a form that is written numerical.

The last piece was played and an encore wanted

Thanks were extended and the group was applauded.

Peter Walker

12 Bell Team at Kirk House, Uttoxeter. Wednesday 15th March.2023

It was a very worthwhile experience playing the 12 bells at the home today but quite challenging at times!


When we arrived at 1.15 pm the staff weren’t really ready for us, as the residents were still eating lunch in the dining room where we were meant to be setting up for our handbell performance.

When we had unpacked our bells and equipment the nursing home carer in charge asked us if we would go upstairs and play to a few of the residents who were confined to their beds. There was an option of a lift as well as the stairs to those of us who were carrying music stands or handbells etc.

One of our team members got her mobility stool stuck in the closing door of the lift as she was trying to pull it out, on reaching the next floor up, luckily she managed to...