Heart of England Rally

Saturday 19th October 2024
We were warmly welcomed on Saturday 19th October to the Rally at the village hall in Rough Close. There were five handbell teams in total playing that afternoon and we were all set up around the edge of the Hall.
The event was hosted by The Inn Ringers, who kindly provided tea and excellent cakes for us throughout the afternoon. Each team took it in turns to ring two pieces in order around the room, starting with The Inn Ringers, who were very good as usual and played well with gusto!
The Kingsbury ringers were next with a group of 5, including two ‘guests’, playing 12 bells with Elaine the leader playing 4 in hand, which she did very competently.
The Gnosall Handbell Ringers were pleased to have a full complement of ringers again and to welcome back their conductor. Their pieces included Highland Cathedral accompanied...